Para quem precisar de criar CWM RECOVERY

CWM magic create program


This version of Carliv Touch Recovery has very great options which you will fill in the screenshots at the end of the post. You donot require any special skills of extracting or editing files while installing CWM on your MTK device. All you need to do is just follow the step-by-step procedure.

Things with which you must be well equipped:
Rooted Android Smartphone
USB cable
ADB drivers for your smartphone
CWM magic create program

So you are cent percent ready to proceed to install Carliv Touch Recovery or CWM on your MTK device. Please follow the step by step procedure in order to not be in problem while installing CWM.
First of all install adb drivers for your phone
Now run the CWM Magic Create application, Remember to paste the extracted files of The CWM Magic Create at Destop itself. Open the CTRv2.2
Select yes because it happens that our antivirus generally block this program
Again select Yes which opts for auto installation of the recovery.img
Now plugin your MTK Android Phone with USB debugging enabled! And then press Ok. If you get pop up on your phone requesting permissions by the adb shell then just click on Grant!

Your phone will restart when done installing the CWM on your MTK phone! And you are at the safe side too as the original recovery.img is saved as backup in the folder in which you have CWM magic recovery program! In this way you have succeessfully done with the Installation of Touch Carliv Recovery on Your MTK Device.
Funciona bem no nosso WMCC X5 (testado e a funcionar):blush:
Programa para corrigir o problemas das horas
Através do Modulo Xposed e instalar a aplicação GravityBox


E tem outras opções muito boas!


  • Xposed Installer 2.6.1.zip
    472,4 KB · Visitas: 17
ésto es para el compañero P_P:

" las baterías del THL 95 Y las del jiake jk12 son totalmente validas , la del thl es la que va casi perfecta y solo hay que ponerle un cartoncillo para que no se mueva , la del jk 12 solo hay que hacerle un pequeño marco para que ajuste , cargan hasta el 100% sin problemas y echan el dia perfecto".

Queria preguntarte o preguntaros si alguien más sabe del asunto,dices que le va casi perfecta la bateria del "THL 95", he buscado la bateria y el modelo del movil y no encuentro nada,he visto el THL i95,el THL i95S,el THL i9500....etc,la pregunta o duda es ¿existe ése modelo que dices,no lo encuentro yo?,en Ebay he visto la bateria para el THL T5,¿valdría ésta?,bueno,pues a ver si podeis ayudarme.
Si que he encontrado la bateria para el Jiake jk12,cuando dices que hay que hacerle un "Marco",entiendo que sería en el contorno de la bateria para que no "baile" en el compartimento del móvil,¿és asi?,bueno espero noticias tuyas o de alguien más si puede ayudarme.
Muchas gracias y un saludo.

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