New International Forum - Nuevo Foro Internacional


Corazón DualSIM
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5
Welcome non-Spanish speakers!
This subforum is a place to introduce yourselves, a Common Room to get in contact with Spanish users.

This is just a way to help you and give you tips of how to search info in this forum.


Bienvenidos no-hispano hablantes!
Este subforo es un lugar en el que poder presentaros, una Sala Común para contactar con los usuarios hispanos.

Esta es una forma de ayudarte y darte consejos sobre cómo buscar en este foro.

Welcome to all, please not others languages than English are allowed on this forum, if you want ask any matter, please make your question here. The whole forum are in Spanish language, therefore, if you have any ask or you need support and you doesn't speak Spanish, this is your place.

You don't should post in English on the Spanish forums threads, by a matter of common sense, maybe if your post will not be understood, it will not be answered.

We're happy to help in whatever that you needs of our forum, but please, try to comply these simply rules.

Thank you.
Welcome to all, please not others languages than English are allowed on this forum, if you want ask any matter, please make your question here. The whole forum are in Spanish language, therefore, if you have any ask or you need support and you doesn't speak Spanish, this is your place.

You don't should post in English on the Spanish forums threads, by a matter of common sense, maybe if your post will not be understood, it will not be answered.

We're happy to help in whatever that you needs of our forum, but please, try to comply these simply rules.

Thank you.

Joé machooo.. qué nivel!
..éste estudió en Harward pol.lo menos!

Última edición por un moderador:
Welcome to all, please not others languages than English are allowed on this forum, if you want ask any matter, please make your question here. The whole forum are in Spanish language, therefore, if you have any ask or you need support and you doesn't speak Spanish, this is your place.

You don't should post in English on the Spanish forums threads, by a matter of common sense, maybe if your post will not be understood, it will not be answered.

We're happy to help in whatever that you needs of our forum, but please, try to comply these simply rules.

Thank you.

I have been without words, amnesia...:whut:
Wow, wonderful idea making a new english subforum, I expect we'll have new english members next month because dual sim phones topic is international :up:
Hi all,

Many Thanks, great idea.
I'm tired to use Google translator to understand...and I'm italian.
I hope to see all the good and useful suggestions I found about the ZP200 moved here in a short time.

Great idea, bit I think it's gonna be very difficult to translate Spanish forums to English.
Perhaps will be more useful to express directly in this forum all topics you are interested Lucas.

Kind regards.

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