El Hilo de las Esperas, edicion desesperados By Meizu.

Hola willbur y bienvenida al foro. Este hilo lo hemos abierto como parte del seguimiento de una compra conjunta ( o algo similar, un caso raro ) que todavia esta abierta en le foro.
¿Donde lo has comprado?,¿que metodo de envio escogiste? Quizas asi te podamos orientar un pelin mejor... De todos modos , eres bienvenida a nuestro rincon de come-uñas , hazte un hueco por aqui.


Gracias por hacerme un hueco!!, si, la espera ya se está haciendo larga... y solo llevo 2 días XDDDD
Pues el meizu mx4 lo he comprado directamente en la página oficial de Meizu (el apartado internacional), me ha costado unos 360€. De momento no me dicen si esta preparado para el envió, simplemente me dicen que está pagado (Current Status : Paid), supongo que estarán haciendo otra tirada, no?
En 17track pone "Item held at the customs" :(
(mi envío no es a España)

Pero no quiere decir que venga con regalito, imagino que todos pasaremos por la aduana de una forma u otra, otra cosa es que lo abran y vean el precio del articulo, que con este tipo de envío es difícil que lo paren.
En 17track pone "Item held at the customs" :(
(mi envío no es a España)
Pues todo depende de como funcione la aduana polaca y de su legislacion, aqui siempre he pensado que nos libramos por la falta de personal y que siempre los paquetes los marcan como valor bajo, en Polonia me informaria no sea que tengas que ir algun sitio o rellenar algo.
Estaré pendiente y si veo que mañana no cambia (o el viernes) llamaré a ver qué pasa... (bueno... llamaré y esperaré a que se ponga alguién que hable inglés haha
Que mala leche... Hoy me han retenido un paquetito precisamente en aduanas , llevaba en españa desde el 1 sin cambiar el estado y he llamado a correos ( 900400004 ) y asi me lo han confirmado. Ya hacia tiempo que no me tocaba la china. Son unos apliques led , unos 320$ , a ver en que se queda la broma...
El envio venia por chinapost , y era un CPxxxxxxxxxxCN
Que mala leche... Hoy me han retenido un paquetito precisamente en aduanas , llevaba en españa desde el 1 sin cambiar el estado y he llamado a correos ( 900400004 ) y asi me lo han confirmado. Ya hacia tiempo que no me tocaba la china. Son unos apliques led , unos 320$ , a ver en que se queda la broma...
El envio venia por chinapost , y era un CPxxxxxxxxxxCN
Supongo que el tamaño sera importante y ademas de varios, ya nos contaras.
A quien le interesa, hace unos días pregunté por tema garantía en la tienda, me mandaron el enlace de la parte de la web donde recogen dicha información y también este documento: (luego lo subo)

Warranty Agreement

1. During the warranty period, MEIZU (HK) will repair its products free of charge in accordance with the terms of repair and maintenance services.Within one year of the date of shipping from Hong Kong, MEIZU (HK) will provide free repair and maintenance to the phones with performance defects which meet the requirements of "three guarantees (for repair, replacement, or compensation of faulty products)".The valid period of "three guarantees" for batteries, chargers and USB cables is 6 months, 1 year and 1 month respectively from the date of shipping.

2. Before sending back your phone for repair, you need to furnish a valid proof of purchase; otherwise the product is not entitled to free repair for one year, and you may have to pay the full repair fees.

3. Before sending back your phone for repair, you need to download and fill in a statement at (website), and send it back together with the phone.The statement shall indicate that during the period of sending the product to Hong Kong and the way it is sent back, MEIZU (HK) shall not bear any liability for any damage done to the product.

4. You need to bear the freight of shipping the product from your place to the maintenance center of MEIZU (HK), you also shall bear the mailing cost after the product is properly repaired.After shipping your phone, please inform MEIZU of relevant shipping information as soon as possible, such as the name of the express company, waybill number, and estimated date of arrival.Any customs clearance duties possibly arising from the shipping process will be at your expense.Normally it takes around 4 weeks to repair a product and send it back. The specific time required depends on various shipping conditions.

5. The repair and maintenance fees are required to be paid through PayPal.Only after receiving relevant fees will MEIZU (HK) send the repaired product.

6. The total expenses incurred due to repair, shipping, and customs duties, among others, may sometimes be even higher than the purchase price of a new phone. Therefore, please consider carefully whether a repair is needed.If you still agree to send your phone to MEIZU (HK) for repair, please fill in the above statement appropriately, specify the defects and the shipping address, and send it together with the product and the proof of purchase to the maintenance center of MEIZU (HK).

7. MEIZU (HK) will provide a free warranty period of one month to the replaced components of repaired products, provided that relevant defects are of the same nature and not man-made.

8. Replaced components will not be returned.All the information (including the phonebook, SMSs, MMS, photos, downloaded images, downloaded ringtones, calendar, notebook, etc.) stored in the electronic products (including phones and accessories) may get lost due to repair and maintenance. Therefore, you are recommended to keep a backup before repair.The maintenance center of MEIZU (HK) is not responsible for keeping clients' batteries (except for embedded ones), SIM cards, SD cards or other accessories.

9. For products with hidden defects, if a client requires to return his product after inspection and repair price quotation, the Maintenance Centre cannot guarantee to restore it to the original defective status (in respect of appearance, function, and the initial defective degree).

10. Attachment: Table of Performance Defects in the "Three Guarantees" Provision

Component Type

Performance Defect


Failures of the functions specified in the instructions;

The screen displays nothings/wrong characters/omitted characters;

The phone cannot be powered on, access or communicate normally;

There are no ringing tones or buzz;

Wrong number dialing;

Abnormal power-off;

Faulty contact of SIM card;

Key control does not work;

The phone has no sound, or is silent on one end, or its volume is abnormal;

The phone case is broken due to structural or material factors


The battery does not function or malfunctions. It is impossible to charge the battery normally with the designated charger;


The phone cannot function normally after charging. The judgment basis is that battery capacity is not less than 80%;

External wired headset

Voice cannot be transmitted or received.

The Maintenance Centre has the right to refuse issuance of any repair report or damage information, either in written or verbal form.

We have all the final right of arbitration as to the terms and conditions stated herein.

En 17track pone "Item held at the customs" :(
(mi envío no es a España)
Perdona por no saber que estas en varsovia , ya no se me olvida.:wink:

Eso no tiene porque ser que pagues aduana, puede que solo sea que ha pasado por ahí, por el track eso no se puede saber.
Si lo tienes cerca ,mira con el track a ver si sale algo en la pagina del correo postal de Polonia.
Pues ya podía llegar el Lunes a casa, porque en mi localidad el Martes es festivo :(((((
El mío está xa está cerca, pero lejos... He estado leyendo y pueden tardar hasta 15 días con el paquete en aduana.. Además de cobrarme unos dos euros por gestión más el 23% del valor.. (leído con Google translator, pero mala pinta..
Habrán puesto en la tienda el precio después del descuento en el paquete? Porque si no es así.. Juas Juas

(mi móvil no va a España, no os asustéis haha

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