HDC one hx9299a (CLON HTC ONE)

Ojalá este teléfono tenga una comunidad medio decente detrás. Es bastante bonito... pero habrá que ver como va a nivel batería y software. Otro que espera las primeras impresiones
Just now I saw your video on youtube and thought the night had put the companions of the forum, how about the phone? the battery life are you?

Edit: Sorry, the video I had seen was one, was that of the unboxing, thank you for this video!
I really can't say much about the battery life, yet. I got the phone yesterday, I played with it a lot and so far it LOOKS like the phone is holding the charge pretty well. The battery will need several charging cycles before it develops it's full potential. Of course it HEAVILY depends on what you are doing with the phone, I'm sure you could drain the battery very fast but it can also last very long. So far everything looks "good" or better it looks "normal", just like any other smart phone with a screen size like that.
Los 16gb de rom son reales? En unos sitios pobre 16 y en otros pone 4gb.

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