HDC one hx9299a (CLON HTC ONE)

llosinmas aun no te ha llegado a casa? yo creo que de este fin de semana no pasa, mañana o pasado creo que lo pedire porque las reviews que circulan por ahi hablan muy bien del movil y sobretodo de la bateria que es lo que mas miedo me daba, dicen que se comporta bien. Supongo que no llevara ningun tipo de funda y que las del original no le serviran no?
Hi Colonelzap, Now that you have more days the phone that opinion do you have? I'd come back to buy? The capacity of the battery worries me, the design is beautiful.
Hi :smile: I still can't say much about the battery, I haven't used the phone much (mostly using wifi for being on the play store, facebook, doing some benchmark test, listening to some music, etc.) this it what it looks like right now:


Man consumption is not bad, 20 hours and is 75%, what happens is that has been stand by all those hours not? I wanted to buy this weekend but until I see more opinions the better battery issue I hope.

edit: between the hdc one and the hdc galaxy s4 N9500 ​​which you think is better?
edit: between the hdc one and the hdc galaxy s4 N9500 ​​which you think is better?

Hard to say? Performance wise they are pretty much identical. The ONE is a single sim card phone, has a notification LED and a magnetic field sensor, the N9500 is a dual sim phone and you can replace the battery and the memory card.

So, whatever your preferences are, you need to decide which phone might suit you better :smile:
No, que va, está de camino.. Me llegará para finales de la semana q viene, eso creo..

Respecto a tu pregunta sobre si es mejor el N9500 o este..:yo ya tengo el n9500 y cero quejas, pero queria probar uno un poco más manejable y este me parecia perfecto (no necesito dual sim), asi que a ver con cual me quedo de los dos..
tiene dos sim creo no una . 8e6ejype.jpg el que lo reciba que lo diga,porque con ONO me hace falta 2

Y esa foto de donde la has sacado bichocop? se supone que el hdc one es todo una pieza, que no se puede sacar la tapa y que es microsim.

Edit: vale ya lo tengo claro, bichocop esa foto es de una version que van a sacar que estara a la venta solo en china, pero es htc original.
Thanks for the video colonelzap, the phone is that it works very well and it seems that you are satisfied with the purchase, I'm torn between this and the HDC galaxy s4, I like the design of the HDC One but battery stops me, I read more opinions the battery issue and I decide.
Hola... le ha llegado a alguien de España este telefono ¿¿¿

Me interesa saber si tiene los errores 3g tan extendidos en los mtk6589


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