Muy útil este comentario

Espero que le sirva a alguien porque cuando he visto que se quedaba colgado me he cabreado un poco. Ya me pasó hace tiempo con la Havoc, que al actualizar vía OTA se quedó colgada en el logo de la rom y de ahí no pasaba.

Es curioso que en ambos casos la rom inicia hasta el punto que te pide la contraseña para descifrar el terminal pero se queda eternamente en el logo de inicio (el buhito) y de ahí no pasa.
Nueva actualización
Enlace de descarga:

Later maybe will push ota
New Dirac and custom doze vector icons
Animations from Android Beta Q DP4
Added SBC Dual Channel (SBC HD Audio) support
- Some pocket mode fixes
- Removed device-specific pocket mode since we now have a ROM side implementation
- CustomDoze: Added Double tap to trigger doze
- Disabled doze auto brightness (now ambient brightness changer can take effect)
- Removed lockscreen date styles for now
- Added animation of switching between the power menu and the extended power menu
- Blocked that Spotify can use the accelerometer and linear acceleration
- Added Pixel Navigation Bar's Home icon
- Changed to proper default Accent hex colors
- Updated some default configs for framework, SystemUI and Settings
- Changed 'Manage notifications' string in SystemUI to just 'Manage' (Q behavior)
- Icon bg changes for Settings on Dark/Black themes
- Theme changes for Settings Suggestions app
- Added check if Font has valid context
- Some dock accessory fixes
- Pop-up an error when renaming a file in Documents app and something goes wrong
- Set delay for screenshot shortcut (vol down+power) to 0
- Some encryption fixes
- Updated German APNs
- Updated few Fonts
- Updated translations (merged also a PR for pt-BR translations for Q clock)
- Some more things maybe I can't remember more
Adi no abandona y.....
Lanza nuevo uopdate
AOSiP derp-fest Pie por Adi - 01/07/19
Enlace de descarga:

- gps.conf updated from miui Stable
- gps updated from 07000 caf tag
- enabled dfs channel scanning in p2p search
- added missing sdm blob
- added missing dynamic fps node
- reverted to 1gb zram with 60% swappiness
- updated thermal from moar thermal x4
- purecaf hmp with some patches from eas repo(simple lmk,thermal etc.)
- Added CPU set for audio app
- Removed recent Pocket mode fixes (as requested)
- Enabled Burn in protection for status/navbar again
- Enabled Smooth Streaming for secure video playback
- Fixed Screenshot preview
- Added 6 new QS tile styles from Bootleggers (Cookie, Neon Light, Oxygen, Triangles, Divided Circle, Cosmos)
- Reworked QS Transparency option (Don't set background on the entire FrameLayout. Let background shade stay as is.)
- BatteryBar: Fixed vertical gradient and some other fixes
- Imported Android Q Animations
- Changed Q seekbar back to latest AOSiP source
- Some general seekbar improvements
- Set max fling ticks per sec to 24
- Settings: Rearranged Sounds and Battery page a little
- Updated translations
- Some more things maybe I can't remember more :tonguewink:

Later will upload on sf and push ota
Vaya, lastima que llego tarde, porque he puesto la de Sr.Farias. Voy a ver si merece la pena, o es mejor volver a la de Adi. Aunque estos días no estoy con mi wifi y no me es sencillo descargar nuevas roms
Yo soy otro de los que cambió a la de srfarias... Y me costó encontrar el tiempo para hacerlo asi que me voy a quedar. Una lastima, debí haber esperado.
Esta semana sale el parche de julio de android, así que podemos esperar actualización del SrFarias.
Pues yo me vuelvo al AOSIP Derpfest de Adi, mientras dure. Con el otro el GPS va fatal, solo detecta 6 satélites. Y no tiene OTA.
Esta semana sale el parche de julio de android, así que podemos esperar actualización del SrFarias.
Ya salió la actualización, pero el parche de Julio será en la próxima. Esta viene con el de Junio

AOSiP DERPFEST By SrFarias [02.07.19]

Download :

Support : @srfariasgroup


- PureCAF Kernel x6 included
- Livedisplay added
~ if u change the kernel, it will stop working
- Vendor updated at V10.3.3.0.PEICNXM (last miui pie stable)
- Audio hal and configs updated
- Soundtrigger hal and configs updated
- Adressed more denials
- GPS hal and configs updated
- WiFi tethering fixes
- Memory optimization
- A little bit more of rootdir cleanup
- Some graphics improvements
- I kept all apps from the rom

- Added CPU set for audio app
- Disabled ambient brightness changer in CustomDoze package (reenabled doze autobrightness)
- Removed recent Pocket mode fixes (as requested)
- Enabled Burn in protection for status/navbar again
- Enabled Smooth Streaming for secure video playback
- Removed AudioFlinger client heapsize prop
- Fixed Screenshot preview
- Added 6 new QS tile styles from Bootleggers (Cookie, Neon Light, Oxygen, Triangles, Divided Circle, Cosmos)
- Reworked QS Transparency option (Don't set background on the entire FrameLayout. Let background shade stay as is.)
- BatteryBar: Fixed vertical gradient and some other fixes
- Imported Android Q Animations
- Changed Q seekbar back to latest AOSiP source
- Some general seekbar improvements
- Set max fling ticks per sec to 24
- Added sysprop to prevent FW download during boot with NFC off
- Settings: Rearranged Sounds and Battery page a little
- Updated translations
- Some more things maybe I can't remember more
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